I have been test it a little bit
- -" how should I say
first, I found bug about work of centurion mistake in hr to min.
already fix with afternoon pacth. Um.. good job fix this bug so fast
second, I found other bug in skill patsanam(<< read in karaoke language)
not heal any hp at all or i miss-understand about it
third, explaintation in skill sum ying is lost. it reach only lv. 4
lv5 have explaintation
ok, get to the detail
this is my comment
- centurion work after fixed bug is 24 hr(in online time). per session I have problem with that 'cause i play at home
but if u think for your client(player) that play at internet cafe it will take too long their cannot online and go away
and 24 hr of online will cause them may be a month
6-10hr should be more appropriate. just think like them play only one hour per day
(- -" play too much is not good u know that)
-Doctor style - much better I don't know is it too good for advance fisrt-aid
not very sure need more time to test and compare with cleric
-krabi style - worsen than the old one - -" my favorite ,rua karbi, skill is disappear
don't see much different in 2 skill tang krabi and wad krabi if acctualy different in word
but in paticular is not that
and have reason to use them as combo - -" cool down time is very low and cannot gain advantage of wad krabi if it combo
so why have 2 skill that too similiar
i can not c the point that when 5 time attack come out from tang krabi that in become area attack
normaly this skill or krabi stlye prefer one on one (some time it draw the monster that u don't want)
- -" I still prefer old tang krabi na
acctualy I prefer every skill in old krabi style - -" they r more useful
-gun style very good in continous ying and glung hai jai combination. use some of mp and hp but come with good effect enough.
sum ying is - -" arr.... too much delay and when i test it i die after first attack (2-3time that i test it
cause 1/2 hr because it delay 10 min - -")it use too hard. how could i say. and combine with ying praneed can not kill in one shot cause a lot of problem (even i play a str - dex stat)
seem to have useless in leveling
- -" but i will test it more in pvp
glad ying - -" still bad like old one need to test more to find the way that it can be useful
-bomb style not test yet
patsanam, continuos ying & glun hai jai is good now (need to test more if it too good and will cause unbalance)
other skill bad or some worsen - -" (need to test more too , may be myself can not find the way to use)